The merchant bank is being weighed down by a £ 1.3 billion book of bad debts. 这家商业银行因13亿英镑的呆账而忧心忡忡。
Your bank card and check book will be ready in just a few days. 您的银行卡和支票本几天内就能办好。
That's just a little over the bank's book value, and cheap by historical measures. 这个价格仅略高于该股的账面价值,从历史指标来看,非常便宜。
E.g.the bank statement should be checked against the cash book to make sure the figures are the same and there are no discrepancies. 银行结帐单应与现金账簿核对,确保两者数字一致无不符之处。
But bank's shares trade below their book value, suggesting that investors are skeptical. 但是,银行股票以低于账面价值的价格交易,这一点反应了投资者的怀疑。
Here's your bank book. 这是您的银行存折。
Our bank provides safekeeping service for the clients to keep documents of value, such as deposit certificate ( bank book) and bonds, for which we charge some handling fee accordingly. 我行为客户提供保管箱服务,您可以保存有价值的证券,如存单(折)债券等等,我行收取一定的手续费。
The bank is expected to initially lend fairly small amounts but could rapidly expand its loan book. 预计中行将在初期发放相对小额的房贷,但可能迅速扩大整体放贷规模。
The traditional price-setting process involves an investment bank putting together a "book" of orders from potential investors to arrive at a price. 传统的定价过程是,投资银行将潜在投资者的认购定单汇总成“簿”,并据此得出一个价格。
Mila and Oa have watched their bank account dwindle down to almost nothing as they plan ahead each year and book their conference space. 在前方每年计划并预订会议场地时,Mila和Oa看着自己的银行帐户渐减到几乎空空如也。
There are just three normal working days between the two Bank Holiday weekends, meaning many could enjoy a break of11 days if they book the time off in between. 复活节假和威廉王子婚礼假之间只有三个工作日,等于说这三天也请假的话就可以连续休11天了!
Update my bank book please. 请把我的存折更新一下。
The AMCs are facing big potential losses because they had to take on impaired bank assets at book value. 四大国有资产管理公司面临巨额潜在亏损,因为它们必须以账面价值接管已经减值的银行资产。
It buys the structured securities from the bank at 90 per cent of book value the price at which the securities are currently valued on the balance sheet. 该机构将以90%的账面价值,即当前资产负债表上估值的价格,买入结构性证券。
Still the boss gave me a few bill, have a plenty of what delimit from the bank directly to have a plenty of the fee that pays with cash, how should I make this account book? 还有老板给了我一些票据,有的是直接从银行划走的有的是用现金交的费用,我该怎么做这个帐?
ICBC, the world's number two bank, saw its loan book swell 10 per cent last year, neatly tracking economic growth. 中国工商银行目前是全球第二大银行。去年,其贷款总额增长10%,很好地跟上了中国经济增长的步伐。
Lee settles CFTC charges of mis-marking and mis-valuing the Bank's natural gas options book to exaggerate trading profitability; court also bans Lee from commodity-related trading. 李沉淀CFTC的指控错误标记和错误估价银行的天然气期权交易书,夸大盈利,法院还禁止与商品有关的贸易李。
The stock market capitalisations of Citigroup and Bank of America languish at half and three fifths of tangible book value, respectively liquidating Citi could hand shareholders a gain of 100 per cent. 花旗集团(citigroup)和美国银行(bankofamerica)的股票市值仅分别为有形账面价值的一半和五分之三,清算花旗将让股东获得100%的收益。
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China yesterday provided evidence of the extraordinary recent expansion in Chinese bank lending when it revealed it had grown increased its loan book by 19 per cent in the first half of the year. 中国工商银行(icbc)昨日披露,今年上半年该行贷款规模增长了19%,这证明中国各银行贷款近期超常扩张。
Their specimen signatures are incorporated in our Bank's signature book. 上述分行的签字样本包括在我行签字本中。
Unlike the assets of a bank or an industrial company, most of the securities on their balance sheet have a book value that can be calculated daily and can be easily liquidated. 与银行或者工业企业的资产不同,他们资产负债表上的大多数证券都有可被每天计算的极易清算的账面价值。
Underwriters had won a small premium to Bank of China, on a forward book value basis, on behalf of a bank that was deep in negative equity as recently as 2007. 若按预期账面价值来计,承销商们为这家近在2007年还深陷负资产的银行赢得了相对于中国银行(bankofchina)的小幅溢价。
From environmental protection to bank oversight, the rule book has steadily thickened in recent years. 从环境保护到银行监管,登记在册的规则条款节节增厚。
When Mr Fuld's lieutenants warned that their bank's failure would unleash a financial tsunami, Mr Paulson accused them of talking their own book. 当富尔德的副手们警告,他们的银行一旦倒闭,会引发金融海啸时,保尔森指责他们只顾自己。
In the short time he was there, a thief climbed up the ladder through which Suzuki entered his home and made off with his bank card and cheque book. 就在那时,一个小偷爬上了铃木回家所用的梯子,并盗走了他的银行卡和支票簿。
This will not end arguments over whether it is preferable to let countries set their own higher bank capital standards or to have a uniform rule book. 这并不会终止这样的争论:到底是让各国自行设定更高的银行资本金标准更好,还是制定统一的规则更好?
Instead, Bank of America's shares trade at one-third of book value, reflecting concern that total losses are a long way from being recognised. 但是,美国银行的股价现在是账面净值的三分之一,显示出市场担忧其总损失远超过现在确认的数额。
People always use this device in finance, mail, communications and customs especially on the credit card and magnetic card of bank system and the deposit book read-write of bank. 可广泛用于金融、邮电、交通、海关等各个领域,特别是银行系统的信用卡发行、磁卡和银行柜台的存折的磁条读写。
The bank interest rate, control variables financial leverage, company book than the cost of capital market value and effect significantly, and expected agreement. 控制变量中的银行利率、财务杠杆、公司账面市场价值比对资本成本的影响显著,且都与预期一致。